Document Type : Conceptual Paper


Center for Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) Programs, HELP College of Art and Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


The study aims to let those who have altruistic impulses to know deeper about how marketing strategy can actually be applied on non-governmental organizations (NGOs). As there are misunderstandings that marketing is only available to corporates, some of the NGOs have lost their opportunities to raise more funds and as a result help more people in need. For this purpose, the paper includes the study on how marketing strategies are being used by NGOs. Besides, the study of conventional marketing is also being written on paper in order to clear up the misunderstandings. This paper uses some of the organization’s examples to help provide discussion. Throughout the study, the formulae to formulate, implement and evaluate is the same. However, the ways to formulate make the differences as the purposes of NGOs and corporates are different. As a conclusion, this study will cause NGOs to realize the importance of marketing towards their mission and also their way to sustainability.


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