Document Type : Original Research


1 Department of Management, ESSECT, Tunis, Tunisia

2 Department of Management, FSEGN, Nabeul, Tunisia


The environmental movement led companies to consider ecology as a strategic decisional criterion. Concerns have started to be integrated in the study and practice of management and marketing. The object of this research is to propose a typology of Tunisian consumers in terms of their ecologically conscious behavior. More specifically, this work describes the identified groups based on socio-demographic variables (such as gender, age, income, socio-professional category and religiosity) and on the psychographic variable perceived consumer effectiveness. To this end, we conducted a questionnaire survey next to 200 consumers. The empirical results show the existence of four consumer profiles which are the convinced, aware, mitigated and resistant which led us to produce some useful recommendations for marketing managers wishing to be positioned on the ecological axis.


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