Document Type : Original Research


Xi'an University of Technology


The self-directed career attitude encompasses the willingness to take ownership and control of one's career path and actively steer one's professional growth and advancement. The present study aims to investigate the influence of self-directed career attitude (SDCA) on employee job satisfaction (EJS). This study additionally investigates the mediating function of leadership in the relationship between self-directed career attitude (SDCA) and employee job satisfaction (EJS). Four hypotheses were formulated in order to examine both the direct and indirect connections. The primary data was obtained by administering a questionnaire and then analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The demographic information was analyzed using the statistical package for the social sciences. The theoretical framework employed in this study was self-determination theory. The test results indicate a significant positive correlation between SDCA, leadership, and EJS. The findings also suggest a noteworthy positive mediating influence of leadership in the relationship between SDCA and EJS. This study aims to enhance our understanding of the causes and outcomes of human behavior on human resources, hence playing a crucial role in facilitating efficient career management and formulating suitable HR policies.


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