Document Type : Original Research


Management Study Program, Faculty of Management and Business, Janabadra University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Amidst growing concerns about environmental degradation, global trends increasingly emphasize the urgency to adopt eco-friendly consumption patterns. This paradigm shift drives the emergence of sustainability-centered products, especially in the cosmetics sector. Despite experiencing substantial growth, the eco-friendly cosmetics industry in Indonesia continues to grapple with various obstacles that require resolution. In addition, researchers' attention to green cosmetics still needs to be increased. This study integrates environmental consciousness into the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) framework to bridge this research gap. The main objective is to comprehensively examine consumers' intention to purchase environmentally friendly cosmetic products. By employing a quantitative approach, we surveyed a sample of 305 respondents from Indonesia. The collected data was then analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique to validate the hypotheses. The results showed that environmental consciousness and subjective norms directly and significantly affect consumer attitudes. Likewise, environmental consciousness, subjective norms, and consumer attitudes influence consumers' intention to purchase green cosmetics. In addition, it was revealed that consumer attitude serves as a potential mediator in mediating the effect of environmental consciousness and subjective norms on consumer purchase intention. This study offers insights into sustainable cosmetics. Companies can use this to enhance marketing strategies for environmentally conscious products.


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