Document Type : Original Research


Department of Economics and Management, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, China


Since the internet became freely accessible everywhere in recent years. As banking transactions changed and shifted to online banking, banks paid more attention to how to make the best use of it, reduce operating expenses, and boost profitability. Online banking is a method of doing business that has frameworks that are properly connected with various customer-oriented services offered while also lowering costs and raising profits. The current study sought to investigate the impact of internet banking on Nepali banks' performance in terms of the mediating effect of training and development. It focuses mostly on how training and development affect bank performance in Nepal. Additionally, it emphasizes how crucial online banking can be for improving bank financial performance.The data were selected from 150 respondents of commercial banks located at Khathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur. As the primary source of quantitative data for the present research, participants completed a self-administered questionnaire. Additionally, partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to examine the data obtained through the use of questionnaires. The findings suggest a favorable association between online banking and bank performance. According to the findings, training and development significantly impact bank performance. The findings also indicate that the association between online banking and bank performance is mediated by training and development. To meet the intended profitability ratio from online banking, increase customer satisfaction, and produce strong financial performance, management should work to put focus on the training and development process.


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