Document Type : Original Research


Faculty of Business, President University, Cikarang, Indonesia


Many factors influencing students’ achievement in their academic field. One of them is Emotional Intelligence (EI). The purpose of this research is to examine the role of Emotional Intelligence on academic achievement among business program undergraduate students of President University. A qualitative study is used based on students’ perceptions and experiences and how it impacts to academic achievement. A survey was conducted by using purposive sampling technique. Six students were selected to be the participants of this qualitative research. Semi-structured interview were conducted to investigate students’ perception in EI and academic achievement. The results of this study showed that 1. In their personal qualities, most students cared about self-awareness and self-management of EI components. 2. Most students realized that their perceived EI has high contribution to their academic achievement. 3. Students controlled themselves in the context of relationship, adaptation, and caring to their environment. In other words, they implemented two components of EI especially in social awareness and relationship management. Finally, all students realized the importance of EI in their university experience especially in self-management and relationship management. The result of this study indicates that EI has an important contribution to students’ lived experience and academic achievement in a university.


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