Document Type : Case Study


1 Department of Management, ENISO, Sousse, Tunisia

2 Department of Management, ESSECT, Tunis, Tunisia

3 Department of Management, FSEGN, Nabeul, Tunisia


Web users surf the net looking for web pages that use several attractive tools such as music, graphics and colors. In the context of online purchasing, these atmospheric variables answer web users’ queries and consequently influence their behavioral responses. The present survey targets the study of the impact of a website’s atmospheric dimensions (readability and design) on the web user’s attitude toward the brand. The study is about an online event created by Tunisiana versus Ooredoo (a private telecommunications operator in Tunisia) following the commercial rebranding that aimed at unifying the group and subsidiaries within one brand. The survey was conducted using administered questionnaire next to a convenience sample of 200 web users. The results of the study demonstrated the positive influence of website readability as well as design on the web user’s attitude toward the brand.


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