Document Type : Original Research


1 Management Sciences, SZABIST, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan

2 Management Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia


This research has examined moderating role of workplace spirituality with five traits of personality and counterproductive work behaviors. Researchers have growing trend to enhance understanding of workplace spirituality. Corporate environment has also realized significance of workplace spirituality. Self-structured questionnaire have been employed to collect data from employees of private commercial banks, operating in jurisdiction of Distt. Attock, Pakistan. Response rate in this study is 82%.Data was analyzed on the basis of moderating concept of Baron and Kenny (1986) in statistical software for social sciences. This study concludes that workplace spirituality has significant moderating impact over the association of openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness with counterproductive work has been also revealed that there is no relationship between extroversion and counterproductive work behaviors. Workplace spirituality has no moderating impact over association of neuroticism and extroversion with counterproductive work behaviors of employees. This study develops ways for management and practitioners to alleviate the effects of personality traits on counterproductive work behaviors and reduce the occurrences of counterproductive work behaviors. Ultimately it will improve organizational performance.


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