Document Type : Original Research


1 Department of Economics, Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh, Iran

2 M.A in Economics, Izlamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch, Tehran, Iran


Regulatory Burden implies the part where government policies that increase or decrease market activity those terms of two sub-indices, the strength of enterprises and financial institutions and market size is measured. In this regard, the rules are explicit, they are easier to implement. With the multiplicity and complexity of regulations, provisions will be faced with the more problems which will lead to negative consequences such as corruption and bribery, the expansion of informal activities in the black economy. The main aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between the theoretical and the impact of Regulatory Burden of the black economy in selected countries OECD. The results of the model, fixed effects group selected countries for 2013-2002 period show that Regulatory Burden had significant negative impact on the black economy group selected countries.


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