Document Type : Original Research


1 MA. Educational Management, Semnan University, Iran

2 MA. Entrepreneurial Management, Tehran University, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy with job burnout among primary school teachers in Babol (Mazandaran, Iran). This is a descriptive correlational study clearly based on structural equation modeling (SEM). The participants of this study were 225 of public primary school teachers in Babol in academic year 2013-14 that were selected via cluster random sampling method. Participants completed Maslach and Jackson's Job Burnout Inventory (MBI) (1996), Teacher Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (by Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk, 2001) and Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (by Schutte, 1998) and reliability and validity of these questionnaires were obtained. Results of Pearson correlation showed that all emotional intelligence, job burnout and self-efficacy components are mutually correlated with each other (p <0.01(. Implementing structural equation modeling (SEM) for casual relationship between emotional intelligence and job burnout through mediator variable self-efficacy, we found that the proposed model has a good fit and burnout is well explained by emotional intelligence and self-efficacy. Also all of the model path coefficients were significant.


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