Document Type : Original Research


1 College of Economics And Management Huazhong Agricultural University of China

2 College of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan China

3 Government Degree College, Madyan Swat, Pakistan


In this paper we  study about the cross countries comparison of Luxembourg, Germany and India on the basis of five variables , I.e. GDP per Capita, GDP  growth rate, Scientific and technical Journals, R & D spending , patent Applications for the years 2000 to 2009. It is necessary that Luxembourg should do innovation (in the field of finance and Steel) to maintain its strength in the future. Germany should give focus on innovation as innovation and growth rate shows positive relationship in the country. On the other hand India should increase its R & D spending as that will further improve its GDP growth rate. So it is necessary for the countries that first they should identify fields/sectors and then decide about innovation. This paper shows that the GDP per Capita of Luxembourg is better from other two countries because it has a stable and solid growth, Low inflation, low unemployment, a strong financial sector, low tax rate and the most important an increasingly diversified in steel.


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