Document Type : Original Research


1 MS Scholar, Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Pakistan

2 Ph.D Scholar of Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China

3 MS Scholar, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Sahiwal, Paksitan

4 MA Economics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


Conflict related to interpersonal issues, personal taste, values, and lack of clarity towards their work. This study & its results examined that; how teachers/Professors respond to above mentioned conflicts. Because Interpersonal conflict among the organizations is a latest research area that increasingly getting importance in today’s competitive business environment. Questionnaires were used for the feedback purpose which elaborates about role conflict and employee’s performance. 158 valid responses gathered in two weeks. Data was processed and analyzed via statistic software i.e. SPSS. The results revealed that relationship conflict, task conflict and role conflict has significant impact on employees performance. High correlations among relationship conflict, task conflict, and role conflict on teacher’s performance were found from this study. And there exits inverse relationship between relationship & role conflict with employee’s performance and positive with task conflict. Special techniques and strategies should be applied for minimizing the relationship and role conflicts amongst the employees in an organization in order to obtain maximum out of them.


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