Document Type : Original Research


School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia


Employee psychological wellbeing has increasingly become a serious problem for organizations’ managers and policymakers globally. The purpose of this paper is to propose a theoretical framework and advance propositions to be validated empirically in future researches. This paper explicates the influence of transformational leadership through self-efficacy on employee psychological wellbeing among faculty staff of HEIs. Being a conceptual paper, it reviewed academic articles on the latent variables of the study in line with theoretical perspectives. The study draws deduction from job demands-resources theory to explain and provide backing for the theoretical model. The paper will assist managers and policymakers, particularly the universities’ management to comprehend the theoretical importance of employee psychological wellbeing in enhancing performance of academics. The paper would stimulate additional studies on employee psychological wellbeing of workers, especially in HEIs. Also, the suggested model would offer several implications for comprehending and supporting employee psychological wellbeing in organizations. More so, this study adds to existing literature on wellbeing


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