Document Type : Original Research


1 Faculty of Tourism, University of South-East Asia (USEA), Cambodia

2 Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Languages, University of South-East Asia (USEA), Cambodia

3 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of South-East Asia (USEA), Cambodia


The study investigated the structural relationships among perceived organizational support, knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, and students’ learning performance in Higher Education Institutions and then extended the mediating effect of knowledge creation to explain the relationship between perceived organizational support and knowledge transfer. Knowledge transfer served as mediator between knowledge creation, perceived organizational support, and students’ learning performance. The target samples were drawn from six Higher Education Institutions in Siem Reap, Cambodia. A total of 763 respondents were used as the research sample. Structural equation modeling and Sobel’s were employed to test the proposed research framework. The results indicated that all the direct path relationships among the research variables were statistically significant. Knowledge creation and knowledge transfer, moreover, were confirmed as mediation the relationship among research constructs. Direct effect of knowledge creation was positively significant to students’ learning performance, whereas expected perceived organizational support was not found to directly effects on students’ learning performance. The findings of this study are used to fulfill the gap of literature and empirical study.


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