Document Type : Original Research


1 Master Program of Agricultural Economics, Post Graduate School, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Indonesia

2 Master Program of Agricultural Economics, Post Graduate School Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Indonesia


The use of bamboo is growing as raw material for various industrial purposes so categorized as the main support of the village community economy. This study aims to analyze: 1) mechanism of bamboo supply chain of bamboo, 2) value added of bamboo supply chain actors, 3) factors that influence the income of stick business. The population were bamboo farmers and stick entrepreneurs in Dalisodo Village respectively 83 and 78 person. Samples were determined using simple random sampling method of 36 bamboo farmers and 35 stick entrepreneurs. Data collected were analyzed descriptively quantitatively for bamboo farm and stick business income, and multiple linear regression to analyze the determinants of stick business income. The results show that the bamboo business income is IDR 343,450 per 900 kg of wet bamboo while the added value obtained by stick businessmen is IDR 962,400 per 300 kg. Age, business experience, raw materials and labor had a significant effect on stick business income.


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